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Perfect Black Lipstick

Here you can see a few tutorials on how to achieve the perfect black lipstick look. If you don't have the time to watch all of them I recommend you watch the first video by Toxic Tears, because it is the best one of them. 


They all have a little different ways of applying their lipstick so I recommend you try all of the options and pick the one that works the best for you.

Photo credits:

Model, MUA: Obsidian Kerttu

Outfit: Villena Viscaria Clothing

Necklace: Sardonyx Lace

Earrings: AppleBite jewelry

Lenses: Uniqso

Photo: John Wolfrik

1. video by Toxic Tears


You will need:

- lip scrub

- lip balm

- black eyeliner

- black lipstick

- lip top coat



Clean off the foundation if you have any on your lips and then use a lip scrub to make your lips as smooth as possible. Put on lip balm and let it sit for awhile. Afterwards wipe it off so that your lips are pretty dry. 

Then you should line your lips with eyeliner. Any eyeliner will do but it has to dry after awhile, it must not be one of those that stay greasy for quite a long time. After you are done fill in your lips with the same eyeliner. Make sure to get it on the inner part of your lip too. Lipstick wont stick to it as well as the eyeliner will. 

Put your lipstick over the eyeliner. Toxic Tears is using Manic Panic black lipstick but you can use some other lipstick too. If you want the lipstick to stay on for a long time you should use a lip top coat. The one she uses is called Lipcote. 



2. video by Void

3. video by The Cat B

4. video by GoreGothSam

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